Support the Ashram
The Neem Karoli Baba Ashram and Hanuman Temple in Taos, New Mexico is dedicated to the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba to love everyone, serve everyone, remember God, and tell the truth. The ashram is open Tuesday through Sunday 6:45 a.m. to 8: p.m. and for morning and evening aarti on Mondays. The Ashram provides a space for pilgrims to connect with the Source of All through meditation, chanting, satsang and selfless service in community. We conduct morning and evening aarti, serve prasad and host festivals throughout the year. A permaculture farm on site provides much of our food during the summer. We also reach out to a wide group of followers via livestream of our temple festivals and weekly chanting, and share stories and pictures of Maharajji and his devotees via the internet.
The Neem Karoli Baba Ashram is sustained by the generosity of devotees, sales in the Puja Dukan store and occasional fundraisers like auctions and raffles. All donations to our General Fund go towards keeping the ashram running.
All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible as permitted by law. The Ashram is a 501(c)(3) church under IRS regulations. Donation receipts are sent by mail or email.

$100,000 Goal Reached!
By Their Grace and the boundless generosity of Devotees the
fundraising goal of $100,000 has been reached.
Gratitude and blessings to all who donated for this Project!
By His/Her Grace the Shrine will be complete by mid summer.
Sri Pujaniya Siddhi Ma’s
Shrine and Memorial Garden
Jai Guru Dev! Jai Sri Ma!
Sri Pujaniya Siddhi Ma, a beloved devotee of Sri Neem Karoli Baba, took mahasamadhi in December of 2017. Sri Siddhi Mata-ji was revered by many and beloved by all who came into Her presence. After Maharaj-ji took His mahasamadhi in 1973, Mata-ji became the upholder of His spiritual legacy and example to all of the embodiment of the highest spiritual attainments. Her service and devotion to Maharaj-ji is unparalleled; She embodied and radiated His shakti and exhibited a complete devotion to His teachings to love, feed and serve all. Her unwavering service and devotion to maintaining His ashrams after His mahasamadhi with such care and total attention to detail has been an inspiration to all and especially to the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram in Taos.
Jai Sri Siddhi Mata-ji Ki Jai!
The Taos Ashram is excited and honored to be building a small, beautiful shrine to the Mother ~ our beloved Sri Siddhi Ma, adding an additional place on the ashram grounds for devotees to experience devotion and contemplation. Tthe shrine will be a small octagonal building located at the west end of the pond with the entry facing east. The interior of the shrine will have a small altar on which Sri Mata-ji’s feet carved in rose quartz will be installed with a large photo of Ma, and Maharaj-ji and Sri Jivanti Ma on either side. The construction cost of the shrine and completion of the Sri Siddhi Ma Memorial Garden is budgeted at $100,000. By Their Grace the funding will manifest and the work will be completed.
Jai Guru Dev, Jai Sri Ma, Jai Sri Ram, Jai Sri Hanuman!