Guru Purnima in Bhav

This year’s Guru Purnima was one of the best I have ever attended.The air was filled with bhav (devotional state of mind) Saturday evening as preparations for the temple took place. One devotee, Radhika, brought fresh marigolds from gardens in Taos, including her own. She and some other devotees strung colorful garlands made of those marigolds, orchids and fragrant roses for both Maharaji and Hanuman. Some devotees chatted in the sunroom and shared stories of Maharaji while sipping on the traditional temple chai, while others bustled around to get last minute preparations completed. The almost full moon (purnima) lit up the cool crisp air as everyone waited for the Sunday festivities to arrive.GP_tentSunday morning people got ready for the 24 hour chanting of the maha mantra, which took place under a large tent adorned with a wall-sized portrait of Maharaji. Some devotees were locals while others were visiting for the first time. We sat on the grass under the tent chanting various mantras as the sun slowly filled the sky with light and air with warmth. Devotees shared smiles with each other.The chanting of the Maha Mantra began at 1:08 pm. You could walk around the ashram and hear the chanting from afar as if you were moving with the sound of devotion. Devotees signed up to lead the chanting in half hour time slots, and as they led you could feel their heartfelt devotion to Maharaji.704103_549013941825541_343115916_oThroughout the day Baba’s kitchen served prasad to devotees who enjoyed the various delights and passed time with each other in the state of bhav. It was very inspiring as we shared our glimpses of truth and selfless service. Many devotees were conscious of spreading joy and lending a helping hand. In the evening, I and some friends helped prepare ladoos, an Indian sweet that is a bit of a challenge to make. At first we were chatting and making funny little jokes. Then, one of our friends who travels around the world from ashram to ashram started quietly chanting the maha mantra. His chanting was the matchstick that lit us up to join in. As a few minutes passed we became more enthusiastic and made this offering to Maharaji’s photo hanging on the wall behind us.Hanuman_Temple_IMG_0883_500Soon our chanting attracted other devotees who came to chant around us. We made ladoos for another 45 minutes, chanting hare krishna hare krishna, krishna krishna hare hare, hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare. Those not making the ladoos were jumping up and down and waving or clapping their hands as they chanted the maha mantra.Early the next morning local neighbors said they could hear us chanting and how beautiful it was to hear while they were in bed. One devotee even said she was tempted to get out of bed and walk down the road to join us!Around 11pm that evening, after a long day of joyful time spent with other devotees, I started to get a little tired. I didn’t go home , though, because I had signed up to lead the chanting at 12:30 am. Never having played a harmonium in public before, I was a little nervous. But my new friends joined me to lead the chanting. It was the most beautiful experience to offer the maha mantra to Maharaji and Hanuman in the temple room.Devotees smiled while chanting, and one woman who looked very serious and intent on something began to lighten up. She looked over at me. I had a second thought that maybe she wasn’t happy with the chanting but I couldn’t stop and devotion just poured out of the group as we became louder. Suddenly, she smiled! We had so much energy and I couldn’t imagine going home. The chanting continued all through the early morning and a hot pot of chai kept all of our cups filled.Monday morning came and you could still feel the chanting throughout the ashram grounds. One visitor from India commented on how wonderful it is what we’re doing here and how after time it will purify all of Taos.As 1:08pm approached on Monday, the temple room and sunroom became packed. You could feel the elation of the sangha (group of devotees) and anticipation of not wanting this moment to end. We finished with a prayer to Maharaji and the ghee lamps were taken around the temple to give darshan to the devotees. Some families stayed in the temple room after we finished to keep chanting and give personal offerings to Maharaji and Hanuman. While others moved outside to partake in the delicious varieties of subji prasad and the ladoos!Even now, after a week has passed since Guru Purnima, you can feel the blessings of Maharaji everywhere at the temple and the spirit of devotion is more vibrant than ever. I, as well as many others, feel so grateful to have had such a blessed Guru Purnima experience. We all look forward to the next festival, Maharaji’s Maha Samadhi, in September.Jai Jai Sita Ram Jai!-Shamagurupurinampan


Journey to Maharajji-Part 1 Meeting Maharajji


Getting Ready for Guru Purnima