Hanuman’s Garden-Baba’s Permaculture Farm
Hanuman’s Garden at the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram
Each year our perennial herb and flower gardens continue to grow and develop. Here at the ashram we lovingly cultivate a perennial flower garden which beautifies our temple landscape and helps to create a sacred environment for prayer. We also have a cut-flower garden from which we create magnificent cut-flower arrangements, flower garlands and creative floral displays for the temple room.
We will be sharing the care of our full 10-acres of land which includes an orchard,, peafowl, ,two green houses , a medicinal herb garden, an acequia fed pond surounded by a beautiful garden and a 400-year old system of irrigation ditches (acequias) flowing directly from Taos Mountain. Sevaks will have the opportunity to join in the stewardship of Baba’s land while learning from both on-site team-leaders and visiting permaculture experts.
One of the central teachings of Neem Karoli Baba is to “feed everyone”. The kitchen at the ashram feeds several hundred devotees each week in addition to hosting feasts for hundreds at several festivals throughout the year. The farm is an integral part of the ashram’s mission to feed people with fresh, organic food grown with love on Baba’s land.
In addition to the various farm projects, sevaks will have the opportunity to help in the preparation of meals-experiencing the satisfaction of seeing food from seed to table. There will also be food preservation-canning, freezing etc. And there are always many daily and seasonal tasks such as cooking, cleaning, maintenance and preparation for vibrant seasonal festivals and other projects around the ashram to participate in, ensuring a well-rounded living experience.