Our New Baby Peacock

babypeaHere is our new baby peacock, the first one born at the ashram. This little fella hatched on the day after Krishna's birthday in August and we don't know yet if its a female or male… but we have named it Little Govinda.We have 7 peafowl- (2 peacocks, 4 peahens, and one pea chick) here at the ashram.. They wander freely about the grounds, sometimes in places they shouldn't be.Peacocks are India's national bird, associated with the goddess Laxmi and represents benevolence, patience, kindness, compassion and luck. Its just a delight for any visitors that come here to see them. Especially when the males show off their magnificent plumes.peacocksmama&babeSome things you many not know about peacocks… they are known for calling in the monsoon rainy season - their call, which sounds like "Jai Ho" brings the first rains of the year. They can live through the winter outdoorsand they don't get affected when they eat poisonous plants.We are in the process of rebuilding their pen into a Peacock Palace! Stay tuned to see the finished product.Also wanted to include some photos of the autumn colors taken two days ago… today there is snow on the ground. Weather changes rapidly here in the high desert. Taos Dham Ki Jai!lastcabbageautumncolors


Improved Stone Pathway


Future Herb Garden