Ramayana at the Ashram

Devotee Gita Singh, from Delhi, will be chanting the entire Ramayana starting Wed. July 3rd.

rama2Here is the Schedule for Wednesday, July 3rd through Friday, July 5th:Start: 8:30am - 1:00pmBreak: 1:00 - 2:30pmContinue: 2:30 - 6:30pmShe has brought 5 books for people to participate with.You may also visit this page for the exact copy she and her family will be reading from.Simply download the PDF called Code 1318 RamCharitaManas (the Ramayana of Goswami Tulasidas). We recommend you download it and bring your laptop or iPad to the temple room (printing would take 1100 pages). Please also bring a clean cloth to place your laptop on as sacred books should never touch the floor.We look forward to chanting together. Jai !


Reciting the Entire Ramayana


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