The Journey to Maharajji continues- "Nothing to Achieve" Part 2

supriya.photoSupriya had a funny little story about her first morning at the ashram. She met one of the caretakers who called himself Jacko. She asked him what does ‘jacko’ mean, to that he told her “Jacko rakein saiya, maar sakey nahin koi.” His translation of this was ‘Jacko’ is a person who was saved by god so nobody could kill him.  She laughed, as do I, because the actual translation is “Whomsoever (key word) is saved by God, none can ever kill him.” So it is not “Jacko” that is saved by god but “whomsoever” is saved by god.That morning Jacko asked her to make puris. I have to say in my personal experience something interesting always tends to happen with puris at the ashram. I won’t talk about it now, but that morning she only had a little bit dough to make enough puris for the people in the temple and the anticipated guests. However, Jacko told Supriya to make three times that amount even though there were only 10 people around. As it turned out two busses full of people showed up that afternoon unexpectedly and they had just enough puris to serve all the visitors. Supriya thought, “something peculiar always happens around here, it’s out of my control. Maybe just like my life...”The next day was Supriya’s birthday and to her surprise when she woke up she found a crystal on her pillow gifted to her from another girl staying at the Dharamshala. Attached was a note, “Happy birthday, this crystal is for good luck. I found it in the river while diving. There are three cartons of yogurt in the fridge so you can make your favorite dish- Punjabi Karhi.”That day devotees were chanting the Hanuman Chalisa 108 times.  When they finished someone asked Supriya to come into the kitchen. She took her time; then finally when she entered the kitchen, she saw a big chocolate cake waiting for her on the big wooden table, surrounded by people who were also waiting for her. She went hysterical and started crying because at this time in her life she was feeling so lonely and empty. She said from that moment on it changed her life. She felt that if God can look after such a simple thing, like a birthday cake, then what does she have to worry about in her life. After enjoying the little party she gave the Italian woman a hug and said thank you. They happened to be standing under Maharaji’s photo and the Italian woman said, “don’t thank me, thank him,” pointing to Maharaji’s photo.  Supriya looked at Baba’s photo and was overwhelmed with it all. She still found him to be funny. But it was at that moment she felt something with Maharaji, even if not completely connected. When we were talking she reflected on why she didn’t feel a deep sense of connection to Maharaji. She figures it is because he doesn’t give any set of guidelines or practices to arrive to God- how could it be so simple? A strong part of her is a go-getter and with him there is nothing to achieve, or to work for, but just ‘Be’.(to be continued- Supriya meets what she considers her first teacher in physical form at Baba’s Mahasamadhi Ashram).......


Maharajji's Mahasamadhi


Journey to Maharajji-Part 1 Meeting Maharajji