Sacred Tulsi at the Ashram

P1070395Sharing tulsi with devotees this summer was a labor of love for our green house gardener.In February she planted 800 seeds in little pots and kept them in her room until she could move them to the green houses. Now all the tusli plants live in the green house where a picture of Hanuman watches over them. With love, care and attention we now have a variety of thriving tulsi that devotees can take home.We have three varieties of Tulsi;  Kainchi Tulsi, Tulsi Rama and Tulsi Krishna. The Tulsi Rama seems to have been sold out. And yes, the Kainchi Tulsi was sprouted with tulsi seeds from Kainchi, India where Maharaji has one of his ashrams. The Kainchi Tulsi grows very well and is very hardy being able to withstand the arid climate of New Mexico. Tulsi Krishna (Krishna Shyama Tulsi) can be recognized by its dark green leaves and is important for the worship of Hanuman.Traditionally, tulsi is potted in clay pots.  Many Hindus have them growing in front of their homes or in the center of their courtyards. She is also revered and grown at many Hanuman temples.The ashram will be planting some of the tulsi plants around the temple in honor of Hanuman. Om namo Tulsi namaha. 


The Legend of Tulsi


Reciting the Entire Ramayana