The Legend of Tulsi

The Legend of TulsiAccording to the Shrimad Devi Bhagvatam Lord Vishnu’s consort Goddess Laxmi was transformed into a tulsi plant due to a curse. Unable to reverse the curse Lord Vishnu granted Laxmi a boon to be born as a girl on earth.In her new life as a woman she married a demon named Shankachura. Victims of Shankachura prayed to Lord Vishnu for help and so he sent Lord Shiva to kill him. The death of Shankachura relieved the world of his tormenting and Goddess Laxmi of her curse.To mark this event the tulsi plant was born on earth and has since been revered and worshipped for it’s purity and the peacefulness it brings. Tulsi leaves are offered in many pujas. This is because tulsi ensures the presence of the supreme trinity-Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva on earth. She is especially important in the worship of Hanuman.While tulsi offers spiritual value she also offers medicinal benefits as an adaptogen reducing the effects of stress on the body and as a remedy for various ailments. Om namo tulsi namaha.P1070400


Getting Ready for Guru Purnima


Sacred Tulsi at the Ashram